Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

Konsep Event Organizer

arti event organizer

Arti event organizer dalam bahasa inggris adalah "Event Planner". Jika diterjemahkan secara benar ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia "Event Planner" adalah perencana kegiatan. Dari Arti Event Organizer tersebut kita dapat melihat bahwa Event organizer adalah seseorang atau sekelompok orang (organisasi) yang bertindak merencanakan kegiatan tertentu untuk kepentingan tertentu dan dalam jangka waktu yang telah ditentukan. Event Organizer atau EO adalah orang atau badan usaha yang merencanakan sebuah acara, festival, pertunjukan, seremonial, kompetisi, pesta atau pertemuan.

Konsep Event Organizer

Kemudian apa saja yang direncanakan?. Sebuah EO atau Event Organizer akan melakukan serangkaian kegiatan yang membutuhkan kecepatan dan ketepatan waktu, karena itulah sebuah EO tidak boleh lelet dalam bekerja. kecepatan dan ketepatan waktu harus merata di setiap bidang (personel yang di khususkan dalam satu kegiatan). Kegiatan-kegiatan ini meliputi perkiraan biaya, tanggal pelaksanaan, tempat, perijinan dan koordinasi transportasi hingga perparkiran. Sebuah EO juga harus melksanakan kegatan berikut, seperti : mengembangkan tema acara, memilih dan menentukan pembicara, koordinasi kebutuhan di lapangan (listrik, sound system, dll), dekorasi, meja, kursi, tenda, tenaga keamanan, makanan, polisi, pemadam kebakaran, toilet, signage, petugas kesehatan profesional dan petugas kebersihan sehingga tercipta konsep event organizer yang baik dan berjalan dengan lancar.

How To Become An Event Organizer

Here is the seven steps

How To Become An Event Organizer :

1. Assess Your Skills

Before you quit your day job to become an event organizer, take the time to honestly assess your current skills to ensure you have what it takes to succeed as an event organizer.

Event organizers must be creative and well organized, but they must also have excellent interpersonal skills. Events are about people, so successful event organizers must be able to effectively listen to what clients want, develop relationships and negotiate with vendors (companies that supply products and services for events).

2. Learn How to Plan Events

Almost all events have common components such as some type of meal or refreshment, a form of entertainment or speaker, invitations or registrations, etc. The event organizer is the person who pulls all of the components together.

There are excellent resources available to help you learn how to plan events and assist with each stage of event planning including how to: choose a date, decide who to invite, budget, create timeline schedules, work with vendors, and market events. If you want a formal education, many colleges offer degrees or certificates in event planning. If you would rather break into event planning without a formal education, you can quickly learn how to plan events with books such as the Fab Job Guide to Become an Event Organizer.

3. Get Hands-On Experience

The easiest way to learn about the steps involved is through personal experience (i.e. planning events for family and friends).

Non-profit groups are always looking for help with their fundraisers and galas, and you'll get the double benefit of helping a worthy cause while you hone your skills. This is also an excellent way to make contacts in the community to help you land a paying job when you are ready.

You could also volunteer to organize events at your own workplace, if you have one. For example, if your company has a public relations department that is notoriously short-staffed, offer to help them out. The beauty of this plan is that you will be learning a new career while still being paid at your old job!

4. Create a Portfolio

A portfolio is a collection of samples of your work, plus any other documents that can show people why they should hire you. A portfolio helps you stand out from other applicants, and prove that you have the skills to do the job. Your portfolio might include pictures, recommendation letters and anything else that shows prospective clients and/or employers what you have done or can do.

Material for your portfolio can come from any event you have organized (such as a family reunion, birthday bash, etc.) or from ideas and themes you have for future events. Show your best work and don't worry about giving away your great ideas. People will believe you have many more brilliant ideas that you haven't yet divulged.

5. Get Hired as an Event Organizer

Getting hired as an event organizer (even if you plan on opening your own event planning business) will give you invaluable contacts and referrals for the future. Meeting and convention organizers are projected to have faster than average job growth in the coming years. This is good news for the industry and for you.

Companies that hire event organizers include hotels or resorts, non-profit organizations, convention centers, country clubs, and even fun destinations like theme parks!

Some people work their way into a position as their company's event organizer just by volunteering to organize internal events such as company picnics and meetings.

6. Start Your Own Event Planning Business

If the idea of being your own boss and earning up to $100,000 or more per year as an event organizer sound appealing, it may be time to take the plunge and set up an event planning business. Many event organizers have home-based businesses, which makes this type of business inexpensive to start. With the wealth of information available on starting a business

you should be able to get your own event planning business off the ground quite easily.

When starting your own business, you should consider what types of events you want to plan. If you have a flair for the spectacular you may want to tackle proms, charity events and galas. If you prefer planning corporate events, you may choose to plan meetings, conventions, and the like.

7. Develop Relationships with Vendors

you've probably heard the adage it's not what you know but who you know. The most important relationships you will build as an event organizer are with the vendors for your events. These are companies that supply products and services for events, such as caterers, florists, equipment rental companies, hotels, photographers, etc.

Learn about each one's business by conducting informational interviews and ask about discounts they can offer you. Be polite and courteous with the owners and their staff and always follow up afterwards with some sort of acknowledgement or thank you. You can also arrange to have vendors refer clients to your event planning business.